VECTRA® 3D Cosmetic Imaging

Cosmetic enhancement procedures are designed to improve physical appearance, so patients are naturally excited to know how the results of their aesthetic treatment will look. Though doctors are typically happy to describe the anticipated outcome or show examples of previous work, those methods do not provide a personalized visual example of the potential results. Fortunately, Dr. Lauren Greenberg, our board-certified plastic surgeon, offers the latest modeling technology, VECTRA® 3D Cosmetic Imaging, to help patients visualize the possible effects of certain procedures and develop the most successful treatment plan. During the initial consultation, some patients will have an opportunity to view a simulated image of expected results based on current photos and medical data provided by the patient. Though no technology can predict the future with total precision, these images can be a great way for patients to more accurately envision the potential surgical outcome.

How Does Vectra 3D Imaging work?

VECTRA® 3D imaging is often most useful for patients who are considering breast augmentation or breast lift. At your initial consultation, Dr. Greenberg will determine if the technology may be useful for other procedures that are being considered. After inputting relevant medical data and patient photos, the computer program formulates a simulated, multi-angle representation of the potential results. Adjustments based on patient preference are easily made, allowing for the creation of a customized treatment plan that suits individual goals. The innovative VECTRA® technology is particularly adept at capturing extremely fine detail, therefore providing a highly realistic image that can give patients an idea of the expected outcome before they make a final treatment decision.

If you have additional questions about VECTRA® 3D Cosmetic Imaging, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Greenberg, please contact us today.