How much weight will I gain with breast implants?

Posted on August 23, 2010

Yes, this is something my patients think about. 

Breast implants do have a weight.  In general, the number of cc’s is equal to the number of grams.  So a 400 cc implant weighs about 400 grams.  Since we live in the San Francisco Bay Area and not Europe, how many pounds is this? 1000 grams = 2.2 pounds.  So you can do the math. 

Saline or gel implants are measured in cc’s.  It is the volume, not the type of implant, which determines weight.

Interestingly, my breast implant rep sent me an article once asking about the specific gravity of silicone.  Why would this matter? (and what is specific gravity?) Well, one of her doctors said patients with silicone breast implants told him the gel breast implants feel lighter than saline. The manufacturer answer was, “The specific gravity of silicone is .98 grams/cc so gel is slightly less dense than saline.  However the shell contributes to the overall weight, and the saline shell weighs about 25 g. So if you add 400cc, then the total final weight would be 425 grams.”

They went on to answer, for silicone implants they fill by weight on the manufacturing floor.  They zero out the weight of the shell.  They estimated the weight of a 400cc gel is actually about 410 grams. 

So, there you have it.  Even if you put in large implants,  your weight is not changing much.  One to two pounds max.  If you put on 10 pounds after surgery, it isn’t the implants.  Must be from all the bon bons you ate while luxuriating and recovering. (Yes, this is said with tongue in cheek. Almost all of my patients are moms, so I know you don’t get more than a day or two off from the grind.)

And as an afterthought, on these last few days of August, good luck to all you women acclamating back to kids in school.  May the force be with you, and may your calendars be organized.