Menopause – what makes it earlier or later?

Posted on February 17, 2023

I AM NOT A GYNECOLOGIST. When I write this blog, this is me as a plastic surgeon researching what is currently out there about hormone replacement. There is no general rule. Every woman is different.

I am seeing themes though. There was a time when everyone did hormone replacement therapy. Then there was a time where no one was doing hormone replacement therapy because of the fear it raised the risk of breast cancer. So where does it stand now? What are things you should consider? AGAIN: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE.

When did you go through menopause?

When trying to advise women as to should they/shouldn’t they take hormone replacement, I see a lot of emphasis on when they are going through menopause. The typical age is 50-52 for all ethnicities. If you go through menopause EARLY (ie 40-45), the issues of low estrogen – heart, dementia, osteoporosis- are longer for you. As one MD pointed out, earlier menopause has a greater association with earlier death because of cardiovascular disease. If you go through menopause LATE (ie 54 and beyond), you are increased risk of breast and endometrial cancer.

What leads to earlier menopause?

What causes later menopause?



Most of these medications are used in women who have had breast cancers that are responsive to hormones.  When taken before natural menopause, it increases the risks for all of the things estrogen helps protect- heart, bone, brain issues.