Surgery risks: Blood clots. Little things you can do to avoid one.

Posted on November 24, 2017

I recently saw a patient who wants an abdominoplasty and she has prior histories of blood clots in her leg.  We had a long discussion about elective surgery and the risks of surgery.  Why do I care so much about blood clots? I wouldn’t care as much if the clot formed in the leg and stayed in the leg.  The issue with blood clots is they travel, and when they travel they end up in the lung, causing a pulmonary embolus, called a PE.  When this happens, if the PE is big enough, it can impair breathing.  A pulmonary embolus can kill you.

To get acquainted to the issues of DVT, PE, and the Caprini risk scoring system I use, please see my prior blogs HERE .

FIVE Basic things to know:

Recently in my Aesthetic Society News, they had some helpful advice to avoid blood clots that should be used on every patient.  Most of these are easy, cost nothing, and are just good things to do for every surgery. *Please note, these are considerations. Please discuss with your doctor.