Are my implants making me sick? What is ASIA syndrome? BII?

Posted on June 25, 2019

ASIA syndrome is an autoimmune syndrome caused by an “adjuvant.”  This adjuvant can be a vaccine, a flu, or in the case of plastic surgery, a breast implant. The thought is that an event occurs which hypersensitizes your body, so it overreacts, causing the autoimmune issues.

What are the symptoms seen in ASIA syndrome?  There was a retrospective study over the past 30 years of 200 patients from the Netherlands and Houston.  In the study they found the most common symptoms:

Of the 200 patients, 54 of them had their implants improved, and 50% of those had improvement in symptoms after explant surgery (removal of the implant). OF NOTE: I think an issue with this study is it doesn’t look at the other cause of chronic inflammation- biofilm. This study does not cite if the implants were subglandular or subpectoral, if they have capsular contracture, what the site of the incision was, if the implant was textured or not. 

True ASIA syndrome is rare. When doing a scientific search, you will see case reports, not series of patients with the symptoms.

There is some indication this may be genetic.  There was a study where three sisters with the BRCA gene all got the same symptoms after having breast reconstruction with silicone breast implants.

Many of these vague symptoms could be caused by BIOFILM. 

I think it is important when evaluating these symptoms that we stratify the groups.

It is not that I don’t think there are real cases of illness from implants.  But in trying to find scientific rules to guide us, we must try to find out what it is the root cause.  All implants are not created equal.  Some doctors take many more precautions when placing the implant (Keller funnels, antibiotic soaks, no touch techniques) than other doctors do.

I like to read literature outside of Plastic Surgery to try to get a more measured view of what is going on. I get that my journals may have an inherent bias.  There are clearly some patients where their implants are sensitizing them and leading to autoimmune issues.

Breast Implant Illness is when people feel sick, and wonder if it is from their implants. Is it? And why?

But is it ASIA syndrome or Biofilm? Biofilm is not a genetic/predisposition thing.  It is a technique thing, where when we place the implant we contaminate the implant with bacteria.  Those bacterial slowly grow and colonize.  This creates a low grade state of inflammation.  ASIA syndrome is an autoimmune issue. This is where your body is sensitized, and starts attacking itself because it is hyper.

The questions for me as a plastic surgeon are:

To evaluate some of the scientific articles on the subject, you can read many of them at the link HERE.