What is the Nefertiti lift? A nonsurgical way to improve the neck just using Botox.

Posted on July 2, 2020

The neck.

It is so tough when your neck starts to age. And it hits you like a wall. The issue is we don’t have many ways to treat the neck. For possible options, read my blog on it HERE.

So I went to my Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting 2020 @home, and someone was talking in the neck and jowl talk (yes, we have symposia where we talk for hours just about the neck and jowls) and they mentioned the Nefertiti lift.

I thought is there a new lift to treat the neck? What is the Nefertiti lift?

First, Who is Nefertiti? Nefertiti was a queen in Egypt, and wife to Pharaoh Akhenaten during the 14th century B.C. Her name means “a beautiful woman has come.” I think people coined the term Nefertiti lift because if you see a photo of the scultpures of Nefertiti, she has a long, beautiful, non wrinkled neck.

And is this lift new? The answer is no. They are just talking about doing Botox injections into the superficial neck bands, which I have been doing for years. But now I know there is a NAME for what I am doing. It works, but with the caveats listed below.

My thoughts on Botox in the neck?

I usually advise my patients to try it if they have banding. I find it either really works for them and they notice the difference, or they feel like, meh – it didn’t do much.

But when the neck bothers you, short of a facelift (or what many call a mini facelift, lower facelift, or necklift), there aren’t easy fixes.