Small breasts, drooping skin

Breast augmentation is still a good choice for you. The issue in women who have ptosis (a fancy way of saying loose or drooping skin) is a breast implant may not correct the drooping by itself. You may need to do a breast lift or mastopexy, to tighten the skin and breast tissue. Many women fall into this gray zone, and I find this a difficult area to advise. You need to be honest with yourself when having your breasts enhanced. How full do you want to be? How perky and lifted do you want to be? What amount of scar is okay? Your need to do a formal lift may depend on whether we put the breast implant in front of or behind the muscle, what volume of augmentation you desire, and your skin tone.

Large breast volume, drooping breast

Breast reduction is the choice for you. Breast reduction can reduce the volume of the breast, as well as correct sagging. I use the vertical breast reduction technique.

Small breasts, not drooping

Breast augmentation is the ideal choice for you. Saline or silicone implants are a great way to give you volume back, lift the breasts, and give some tension back to the breast tissue. A common story I hear is, “I was happy with my breasts… maybe I wished they were a little bigger. Then I had kids and I lost what little volume I had.” A breast augmentation is a great way to correct this. It is a simple surgery with a small scar.

Right size, drooping breast

A breast lift is the choice for you. There are two basic kinds of breast lifts: the periareolar lift, where the scar is just around the areola, and the vertical breast lift, where you have a lollipop scar. When you have enough breast tissue, the best option is the vertical breast lift. This type of mastopexy allows me the maximum ability to reshape and lift the breast. A small implant can be added at the same time if you desire more fullness in the cleavage area.Most patients who need a lift require the lollipop. The periareolar lift is only appropriate for a small change in nipple position.