“My body looks and feels so thin”

I had lipo and a mini tummy tuck two years as of last October. You may remember me by being the patient that was a bit depressed and not feeling as fabulous as I thought I would. Well, Dr. Greenberg today I am feeling wonderful and so happy that I went through with the surgery. I have been working out, eating 5 small protein/veggie meals – throughout the day and have lost 36lbs. I now can fit into a size 6…Yes!! I never have I been able to obtain this goal. I am only 14lbs. away from meeting my ultimate goal of 125 lbs.
My body looks and feels so slim, this too is something I was never able to achieve, even at my lowest weight. I always had those hips that prevented me from getting into a size 8 not even thinking size 6 was possible. Also being able to cross my legs, which may sound weird but I always thought this was not going to happen for me being 5’1″, I figured my short legs just won’t cross like other women. I could go on and on, giving you all the pros, what I would like for you to know is this: Yes, my post surgery was rocky, and you seemed so concerned, I just want you to know that it may have taken me a bit to get there, but I am there and enjoying everything about my slim hips and flat tummy!!
You are the best – thank you.

J.F., Liposuction and Tummy Tuck