Sun damage: Truck driver shows the effect of sun over 28 years

Posted on June 12, 2012

There was a New England Journal article from April 2012, by Drs. Gordon and Brieva, entitled “Unilateral Dermatoheliosis.”  It was great, as a picture tells a thousand words. 

What is that? Dermatoheliosis? (It sounds bad! Is it contagious?)

Dermatoheliosis is PHOTOAGING.  (yes, we doctors have all sorts of fancy words for simple things).  What was great about this article was it was simple.  This man was a 69 year old man who drove a delivery truck for 28 years.  Sun damage, all day, to one side of his face.  For 28 years.

So what happened?

from New England Journal, April 2012


Bottom line? He has given us a study where he is his own “control group.”  You can see the nonexposed side aged much better.

So what can you do?

Please see my many aricles on sunscreen.  Really makes you want to whip out the sunscreen, doesn’t it?