what makes a breast lift last?

Posted on May 24, 2010

I have done many different kinds of lifts over the years.  The breast is made up of breast tissue and fat.  In general

the better and longer your lift will last. 

Your breast after a lift continues to age (rats!).  So we tend to get you as high and firm as we can, and you will gradually age from there.   I do think the vertical breast lift, with the internal suturing I do, gives a better shape and longer last to the lift.  The woman who popularized the vertical lift has a great talk.  In it she showed a photo of a patient with both kinds of scars (at the time she did her lifts differently than her reductions), so the patient had the anchor style inferior pedicle breast lift on one side and the vertical lollipop lift on the other.  The photos at one year were similar.  But at five years they differed, and the vertical lollipop looked better.  Shorter scar, lasts longer- that talk is what converted me to vertical lifts about 8 years ago.

But none of it is magic (darn), and again, gravity will continue to act on the breast, causing it to age over time.

If only we lived on the moon.