Woman almost bleeds to death- surgery by non plastic surgeon

Posted on September 13, 2010

Surgeries have complications.

Even in the best hands, by the best doctor, you are at risk for complications.  One of the biggest risks with a breast augmentation is bleeding.

The following is a link a friend sent me.  She is a breast implant rep in Tennessee, and she sent this out in frustration – she must sell breast implants to any MD, even if they are not a trained plastic surgeon.

This is the story of an eye surgeon in Atlanta who is doing breast augmentations.  Many surgeons are going out of their specialty, what they were trained to do in their residency programs, into cosmetic surgery to try to “make a buck.”  I speak of this problem a lot- people calling themselves plastic surgeons when they do not have the training.

Please read the article and watch the video link.  What bothers me about this is not that there was a bleed.  What bothers me is

The article is no longer published on examiner.com:

Please be careful.  A bleed will happen even to the best trained, most seasoned of surgeons.  Most bleeds happen after surgery. You shouldn’t leave the OR unless your surgery is dry.  Your surgeon should be a surgeon.  A trained surgeon should not have to call 911 in the middle of a surgery.  This eye doctor (and his patient) were lucky.