UPDATE: BIA ALCL SUMMARY from ASAPS and ASPS (in english – there is a cancer associated with implant capsules. here is what you need to know)

Posted on March 22, 2017

First let’s get some terminology down (when I read my blog title, even I was like #)*&$#??? There are so many abbreviations it’s like a foreign language.)


BIA : Breast implant associated

ALCL: Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

ASPS: American Society of Plastic Surgeons (*I am a member.)

ASAPS: American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (*I am a member)

So there is a weird lymphoma which has been found to be associated with breast implantsThe numbers are VERY low, but it is real.  We as a society have been monitoring the breast implant associated lymphoma cases since 2010.  There is a national FDA established registry.  There was a summary of what we know which our societies published, so I thought I would share with you.  If you have a textured implant, when I do a capsulectomy (removal of the capsule) this is the reason we send the capsule to pathology for examination.

I write this blog not to scare you, but to educate you. Most of my patients receive smooth walled implants, which has not been associated with this.  It is very very rare.  Using the FDA numbers, the risk is .00005%.  But if I am doing a breast implant revision, particularly if you have a textured implant, I will always send the capsule to pathology just to check.  And if you suddenly get a seroma (a fluid swelling around the breast), it is something which warrants a visit to your plastic surgeon.

Per the FDA report, there have been 100-250 cases reported worldwide. 3 deaths. This is out of 5 -10 million breast augmentations done worldwide. http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/ImplantsandProsthetics/BreastImplants/ucm239995.htm