You have implants and now there is swelling on one side. A seroma. What do you do?

Posted on September 20, 2022


A seroma is a collection of fluid. The majority of swelling on one side is NOT something big and bad. But you are right to take it seriously. It could be from trauma. It could be blood. It could be your textured implant tore from the capsule and fluid collected there. Again the majority of swelling is NOT cancer.

BUT there are some issues which present with unilateral swelling which are more serious- the biggest one being a cancer that starts in the breast implant capsule. The cancer most commonly talked about is ALCL (super rare 1:3,000-80,000 patients, only seen in textured implants and mostly only with Biocell texturing). See my blogs on ALCL HERE. There are now some reports (18 patients reported so far) of squamous cell cancer occurring in the capsule around implants as well.

What you need to do:

I have seen patients with seromas on one side. (Only a few during my entire career). These were NOT anything bad. Just a fluid collection. You want to deal with it because the swelling can be painful, it distorts the breast shape, and will likely make you uneven on one side. But you also want to make sure it isn’t the rare presentation of something else.