My exosome choice right now: Resilielle

Posted on March 1, 2024

We are doing microneedling in the office (yay!) and the results are awesome. I purposefully chose pure microneedling, as those with RF can cause facial fat volume loss. When doing microneedling, we pair it with HA (hyaluronic acid) and exosomes (stem cells) for the active ingredients into the microchannels created by the microneedling. This gives additional benefit to the treatment over the microneedling itself. It is great for the face, neck, chest (decolletage ladies!), hands, above the knees.

So why Resilielle?

“Exosomes” is a ridiculously broad term. You need to know the source (plant,animal), type (fat, bone marrow, placenta, mesenchymal), and intended use (topical? IV?). Then has it been studied? What is the quality control? It sounds futuristic and science-y to say “exosomes” and “stem cells,” but you really want to use a product which has been tested and does its intended use.

I really liked Resilielle product because they talk like me. They focus on transparency, high quality, science, adhering with FDA guidelines, and consistency.

I chose to use exosomes over PRP for microneedling because past studies don’t show long term histologic effects with PRP except for in hair thinning, PRP requires blood donation and spinning with variable amounts of PRP produced (I tried it once and made almost no plasma), and exosomes are stem cells, and you all know I have drank the KoolAid on stem cells after seeing my results the past decade of fat grafting.

These exosomes give me an easy in office way to get stem cells into my microneedling patients regimen.