What is microtoxin? A new way and results for Botox injection.

Posted on October 11, 2023

Botox – botulinum toxin Type A – is the number one cosmetic procedure. I have been doing it for over 20 years now, and the uses keep growing. Botox has been shown to help with depression, headaches, TMJ and teeth grinding, and keloid scar prevention.

Microtoxin is where the Botox is injected into the skin, “intradermally,” as microdroplets.  This is used to improve skin quality and appearance.

What is it for?

This was a published journal article in the September 2023 issue of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal. “Microtoxin for Improving Pore Size, Skin Laxity, Sebum Control, and Scars: a Roundtable on Integrating Intradermal Botulinum Toxin Type A Microdoses Into Clinical Practice.”

How does intradermal injection work?

It prohibits the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, which blocks muscle activity. But ACh also acts on the nerves which stimulate glands (sweat and salivary). It has a role in the regulation of keratinocyte proliferation, skin homeostasis, sebum production, pigment, microcirculation, and inflammation.

How do you do it? 

The Botox is diluted and purposefully injected into the intradermal layer over the entire surface area where improvement is desired. You want a wide, even field of effect. The treatment of the neck can require 200 (!) microdroplet injections, and the whole face could be up to 500 (!!) injections.  This would be 5cc divided into microdroplets.  This can be done in 15 minutes with a skilled injector.

They recommend a 20 unit/cc concentration of Botox. (add 5cc to a 100 unit vial)100-120 microdroplets can be delivered with each cc of solution.  They put topical 5% lidocaine on the skin for 20 minutes prior to injection.  They use a 32 or 34 gauge needle.  They do .01 to .05cc placed in a grid pattern 1cm apart. Go superficial, so you feel some resistance as you press the plunger.

Who gets the best results?

Sadly, younger patients get more skin and pore changes. But the photos were great.

My thoughts?

I LOVE LEARNING. I cannot wait to try this. The cost won’t be cheap- 100 units is over $1500. But those stupid necklace lines in the neck? Using this for scars? Sign me up.