Cosmopolitan Magazine had “21 Things you should know before getting a boob job.” And it is a good article. (second of 2 blogs)

Posted on December 29, 2017

This is a continuation of a blog about Cosmo magazine’s article.  It is a good article.  These are the last 11 things to know.  For the original Cosmo article, click HERE.  For my blog on the first 10, click HERE.

So, to continue….

In Cosmo’s article, they urge you to be comfortable with surgery- How much do your breasts bother you? Why do you want the procedure? How excited are you to have the procedure? Is the timing good with time off from work and exercise? How are you with the risks of surgery?

Bravo Cosmo!

I really liked their points.  I think they gave a lot of good information and things to think about.