Preop screen: Are you at risk for blood clots?

Posted on October 13, 2010

All surgery has risks. Any surgery has a risk of a DVT. The risk varies by surgery, length of surgery, part of the body, immobility. I am a Stanford trained plastic surgeon here in Palo Alto. The centers I operate at all work to reduce the risk of DVT.

Are you at increased risk?

If the answer to any of these six questions is yes, you need further evaluation by your doctor:


1. Had a blood clot? (particularly at a young age)

2. Been on blood thinners? (like coumadin)

3. Been diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder? (Factor V Leiden, Prothrombin gene, Antithrombin deficiency, Protein C deficiency, Protein S deficiency)

4. Had a Purpura fulminans? 

5. Been diagnosed with lupus or other autoimmune disease?

6. Had a miscarriage? (particularly loss after 10 weeks, three nonconsecutive spontaneous losses)