What do you need to buy before surgery to prepare? surgical bra? a wedge pillow? a walker? vitamins? scar creams? HELP?!?

Posted on October 29, 2020

Let’s face it- having surgery is scary. You want to know everything you can about it and be prepared. (Yes, I was a Girl Scout and am a Girl Scout Troop leader, so I like the being prepared thing.) Patients scour the internet before doing a surgery for all sorts of information. There is great information on the internet- websites, chat rooms, and information pages. They talk with friends. And then I get the calls.  Should I get arnica/a walker/a surgical bed/what scar cream/a special surgical bra/ a wedge pillow?


I get surgery is scary. I get that you will have a couple surgeries during your lifetime. Please know this is my job, and I have been doing it for over twenty years. I have a super small practice and focus on one on one attention, so I can walk you through all of this. Please know recommendations for post operative care can differ between doctors because they may do the procedure differently (For example, for a breast augmentation do you use a textured implant or smooth round implant? Is the implant behind or in front of the muscle?). They may differ because of the surgeon’s experience. They may differ because of scientific findings of best practices.

For my patients? Please listen to my information. If you have questions or it differs from something a friend told you, please ask me about it.

I have a blog with over 700 blogs. I meet with you personally. I am give you a printed folder with everything in it- what to do before surgery, when you need to do it, what tests you need, what the day of surgery looks like, what recovery looks like. I buy most of the garments you need (except for breast reduction bras, because I cannot stock all those sizes, but I will give you a sheet on the one to get).  I include scar cream in your surgery quote and give it to you at your second post op visit.

Listed below are some common questions. My recommendations are for my patients. (Again, if you are not my patient you should ask your doctor what they think.)

As I stated above, ASK ME. I am always evolving in my recommendations, so if you find something cool on the internet or from a friend, run it by me. But otherwise, let us guide you and don’t buy a bunch of stuff you don’t need or could impair your recovery. I do think some of these things are usually a no for me (think: tummy tuck and a wedge pillow, surgical bed, lifting chair, or walker) BUT if you are single or have little help from your significant other, they are things which will help you get out of bed and be more stable out of bed.